Upload Your Reel – For FREE!

Click To Upload Your Reel For Free!

We have created a FB Page, where you can upload your reel for FREE.

In an effort to deter creative minds from self-evaluation, Rocket Propelled Ltd has developed this FREE FaceBook page so artists and entertainers can get feedback from their peers, industry professionals and complete strangers across the globe.

Artists CANNOT evaluate themselves because they know how they feel but have no idea what they look like which is why we created this page! Remember, feedback is just someone’s opinion. If it works for you, implement it. If it doesn’t, let go of the feedback and move on.

By posting your Reel on our wall, you will be able to solicit comments from friends and strangers worldwide! (Remember to encourage them all to like the site and comment)

Please be aware that this page is restricted to the posting of Reels only. The administrator will delete any additional posts.

Our ultimate goal is to short-circuit the “rules” and we will be encouraging our industry friends and associates to be visiting this page. The more interest we have from you, the more interest we’ll get from them….let’s stop waiting for the phone to ring.


Russell Boast

1 Comment

Filed under Tips and Advice

One response to “Upload Your Reel – For FREE!

  1. So excited, my reel is being edited at this moment…I look forward to the feedback!

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